1. Go to your Calendar.
2. Under "My Calendars', click on the calendar you want to schedule, i.e., DGS 23E Computer Lab.
3. Click on any time slot on this calendar.
4. A screen will appear, click on 'Edit Event' at the bottom of this menu.
5. This brings you to the screen to schedule your event.
6. Fill in the following areas:
a. 'Untitled Event"-Fill in the information you want to appear on the calendar.
b. Fill in the date and times of the event.
c. Click on the bubble next to 'Repeat' if your event will occur for more than one day of the week.
1) Click to check the days the event will occur.
2) Click done.
d. Calendar-Make sure the calendar you want is displayed here, i.e., DGS 23 E Computer Lab.
e. Click 'Save'.
7. Your event will now appear on the lab you have reserved.