Phonemic/Phonological Awareness

-Identify initial, medial, and final sounds (1.A.1a)

  • Short vowels (a,i,o)

  • Diagraph /ck/ -

  • Short voles (e and u) –

  • S and r blends (br, cr, r, fr, gr, pr, tr, sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw)

  • Diagraph /th/

  • R controlled (or)

  • Diagraph (ch, qu wh, tch)

  • Long vowels (ow, oa)

  • R controlled (er, ir, ur)

  • Initial blends with l (bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl)

  • Inflections (s, ed, ing, er, est, no spelling changes)

  • Long vowels (long e as represented by a, a-e, i, i-e)

  • Long vowels (as represented by o, o-e)

  • Contractions (‘s, n’t, ‘ll)

  • S sound represented by c

  • /ou/ow, ou variant vowels

  • long vowels (igh ai, ay)

  • inflections (ed, ing, with spelling changes)

  • long vowels (oo, u-e)

  • Contractions (‘ve, ‘d, ‘re)

-Blend 3 and 4 phonemes into a whole word (1.A.1a)

-Segment 3 and 4 phonemes (1.A.1a)

-Segment sentences into spoken words (1.A.1a)

-Produce words that begin with the same sound (

-Match words with ending sounds (1.A.1a)

-Identify and produce rhymes (1.A.1a)

-Use decoding skills and picture clues to read unfamiliar material (1.A.1a,



-Use a variety of resources to determine and clarify meaning of words

(1.A.1a, 1.A.1b)

  • Alphabetizing

-Read high frequency words (1.A.1b)


-Use decoding skills and picture clues to read unfamiliar material (1.A.1a,


-Summarize, state main ideas, and make generalizations from material read (1.B.1c, 1.C.1d)

  • Sequencing

  • Plot/Main Idea

  • -Use concept of print, language, structure, and meaning to read unfamiliar material (1.A.1a, 1.A

-Demonstrate comprehension of grade level material when being read to and while reading independently (1.B.1c, 1.B.1d, 1.C.1d)

  • Details

  • Setting / Character

  • Classify / Categorize

-Choose a variety of material during self-selected reading in order to see reading as a source of information and pleasure (1.B.1d, 2.B.1a)


-Read age appropriate material aloud with fluency and accuracy (1.B.1d)