Skyward Qmlativ

Dwight Schools have updated from Skyward SMS to Skyward Qmlativ

We are excited to share the news with you that Qmlativ (pronounced “cume-luh-tiv”), the latest evolution of Skyward SMS (Student Management Suite), is live!

What Is Qmlativ and Why Is It So Important?

Qmlativ is the latest iteration of Skyward SMS, an information system Dwight uses for data management of student and staff information, grades, scheduling, attendance, and food service. Skyward SMS allows for the creation of reports our schools and departments rely on, while also offering important internal uses like payroll, tracking time off, billing and invoice payments, and numerous other uses. Nearly every staff member in Dwight School District utilizes this system as part of their work each day, and some staff members in our school offices and central office use the tool multiple times per day.

Instructions on how to update your bookmarks and mobile app are included in the link below!

SMS TO Qmlativ Update Instructions